A few of our favorite features added in 2024

Looking back at 2024, we rolled out 18 groundbreaking features that transformed our user experience. These innovations emerged from both our customer feedback and our team’s creative brainstorming sessions.
Our Most Impactful Features of 2024
Customer enthusiasm and team excitement helped us identify the standout additions of the year. It’s no surprise that Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integration features topped our list, given their game-changing impact as an addition for batch manufacturers.
Here are the top 5 release features added in 2024 available to VicinityChem, VicinityFood & VicinityBrew clients:
Want a deeper dive? Check out our quarterly release videos on our YouTube channel, where we showcase each feature in detail. New releases are published as soon as each quarter wraps up. Watch here.
Here’s our Top 5 favorite features added in 2024:

1. Release 4.47 BC Cloud Enhancement – Vicinity Quantity Details Drilldown
In Release 4.46, a Vicinity section was introduced on the BC Item Card. That functionality has been expanded with the addition of a Vicinity Item Details button at the top of the Item Card for Release 4.47. Clicking the Vicinity Item Details button will display a list of details for the various quantities in the Vicinity section. This list can be filtered using the column headers. Additionally, the Document Number provides a drillback into the Vicinity screen when properly configured.
2. Release 4.46 Business Central Cloud Enhancements – Vicinity Info
BC Cloud integrations can now see Vicinity batch requirements and planned receipts from within BC on the Item and Item Availability cards.

3. Release 4.47 Control Create Batch Setting by Batch Type
The Batch Types Setup screen has been updated to include facility-level create batch settings. Additionally, the layout of the Batch Types Setup screen has been changed to more accurately reflect what settings are controlled by the “Enable Batch Type Cost Settings” and “Enable Batch Type Facility Settings” checkboxes.
4. Release 4.45 Production Schedule Calendar Filter
The Transactions section of Batch Entry has been enhanced with a searchable view option that displays a
flattened transaction hierarchy allowing the user to filter records based on specific criteria (e.g. Component ID, Date, Lot Number, etc.). This flattened view of the data allows the user to see the bin and lot details without expanding the transaction record.
By using the filters users can more easily identify specific singular transactions in batches with many

5. Release 4.45 Planned Orders Import From Excel
Planned Orders Import is a new feature that populates the Vicinity Planned Orders table directly from an Excel spreadsheet. The import tool can also be used to update existing Planned Orders by exporting an Excel file that can be updated and then reimported into Vicinity.
Check out this video for more information.
Check out a few of our case studies to learn more:
Check out these case studies for chemical, food and brewery clients. All linked here.
Chemical: Mayco Colors, Crowley Chemical Company, Engineered Custom Coatings, Solomon Colors
Food: Classic Desserts, Dr. Praeger’s Sensible Foods, Mother Murphy’s, Intelligent Blends/Maude’s Coffee & Tea
Brew: Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Highland Brewing, Allagash Brewing Company
For more information about any of these features or to schedule a demo, contact us today!